The Weekly Roundup- March 21, 2022

​​You can never accuse Alberta politics of being uneventful. While the Legislature continues chugging along on week three of a four week stretch, it is certainly not the centre of attention in Alberta politics these days. 

Brian Jean was elected as MLA for Fort McMurray - Lac La Biche last Tuesday, easily coasting to victory with 63.6 per cent of the vote. The official results of the vote won’t be available until March 25 and Jean won’t be sworn in until April 5, just in time for the leadership vote on April 9 where Jean is actively campaigning against Kenney.

The parameters of the leadership vote appear to be a moving target at this point in time, despite the fact that membership sales to be able to vote in the Special General Meeting were cut off as of March 19. Word has it that UCP Executive Committee will be meeting today to discuss potentially expanding the current Special General Meeting of one day in Red Deer to multiple venues over multiple days in Edmonton, Calgary and Red Deer. At this point, any decision made by the party to adjust the voting format will invite criticism, but with 20,000 people expected to participate, logistics for a single-site event would be a challenge. 

If you're looking for a relaxing way to enjoy a cup of coffee today, feel free to go through the helpful graphics put together by Lisa Young and Jared Wesley of the many permutations that could happen in the UCP over the next month. 

Below, you’ll find a recap of government legislation introduced and debated, government announcements made and Orders in Council passed since our last edition.

Government Legislation Recap 

Bill 1: Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Recognition Act ($)

Stage: Third Reading passed March 17, 2022 

Notes: This bill will honour Albertans who have done remarkable things caring for their communities. The honours include the presentation of 7,000 medals to recognize 70 years of Queen Elizabeth II’s service.

Bill 2: Financial Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 ($)

Stage: First Reading passed March 8, 2022

Notes: This bill consists of several legislative amendments that implement technical measures announced in Budget 2022 including red tape reduction through harmonizing federal and provincial tax legislation. 

Bill 3: Special Days Act 

Stage: First Reading passed March 9, 2022

Notes: This bill would give ministers the authority to issue ministerial declarations to recognize special days in Alberta that will be tracked on a central web page. This will help raise awareness and designate a place where people can find the details on events like Black History Month or Francophonie Month. 

Bill 4: Municipal Government (Face Mask and Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination Bylaws) Amendment Act, 2022

Stage: Second Reading adjourned March 14, 2022 

Notes: If passed, the legislation would require municipal bylaws relating to masks to prevent the spread of communicable diseases or COVID-19 vaccines be approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs in consultation with the chief medical officer of health.

Bill 5: Traffic Safety Amendment Act, 2022

Stage: First Reading passed March 16, 2022:

Notes: ​​The bill would require all motorists traveling in the same direction to slow down to at least 60 km/h when passing a stopped roadside worker vehicle with its lights flashing and motorists traveling in the opposite direction on single lane highways to slow down to 60 km/h when passing.

Bill 6: Emblems of Alberta Amendment Act, 2022

Stage: First Reading passed March 17, 2022:

Notes: This bill would make ammolite the official gemstone of Alberta. 

Government of Alberta Announcements

Orders in Council

OC 57/2022: ​​Effective March 21, 2022, amends Order in Council numbered O.C. 376/2018 to extend the appointment of Doug Sawyer as a member of the Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Council for a term to expire on March 20, 2025.

Upcoming Events Calendar

April 5, 2022: Brian Jean sworn in as UCP MLA

April 9, 2022: United Conservative Party Special General Meeting (Leadership Review)

​​April 19, 2022: Deadline for candidates to apply for CPC leadership 

September 10, 2022: New CPC Leader announced 


Saskatchewan Budget 2022


The Weekly Roundup- March 14,2022